• Mansarover, Jaipur

Recurring Deposit

Recurring Deposit - Sukh Samriddhi

Period interest Rate (Annual) Minimum Amount Amount Invested
12 Months 7.25 500 6000
24 Months 7.75 500 12000
36 Months 8.25 500 18000
48 Months 8.75 500 24000
60 Months 10 500 30000
72 Months 10 500 36000
84 Months 10 500 42000
96 Months 10 500 48000
108 Months 10 500 54000
120 10 500 60000
Terms & conditions:-
  • ➤ Minimum deposit Rs.500/- and in multiple of Rs. 100/-
  • ➤ Interest to be compounded quarterly basis.
  • ➤ Delay in repayment will attract 1.5 % per month on monthly will be charged. Minimum Rs. 10 as penalty.
  • ➤ Loan against Recurring deposit will be till 90% with 3 % additional interest on recurring deposit.