Definition of membership
Membership of Sukh Samriddhi Credit Cooperative Society is a compulsory process for every person who is interested in Sukh Samriddhi society's products and other activities. This membership gives you rights to participate in the society products. Sukh Samriddhi Credit Co-operative Society is by the members, for the members, of the members. Basically society is mediator between two members, one member having excess money keeps deposit in the society and other one is the member who needs money for a purpose as a loan. Sukh Samriddhi does not accept or gives any type of deposit and loan to non-member person.
1. Only members can use our products.
2. If any person interested in our society product the membership is compulsory.
3. KYM(Know Your Members) documents are compulsory for membership.
4. Rules and Regulations are similar for every member.
Eligibility for Society Membership
Eligibility for Society Membership
Any person who has attained the age of 18 years is capable of entering a valid contract, member of Hindu Undivided Family Business, a company registered under Companies Act, a Partnership Firm, a Limited Liability Partnership firm, any Trust, Institutions can become a member of the society. KYM is a compulsory process for all to become a member of Sukh Samriddhi Credit Cooperative Society. The eligible member has to fill and submit the "Membership-Form" with Rs.110/- (Rs.10 for Getting Enrolled as Member and Rs.100 to allot share) at our Branch. No doubt you can apply for more shares which will be allotted to you as per the discretion of the Society.
* The rights to accept/reject Membership applications are reserved with the society Management.
KYM Process
KYM means "Know Your Member", when a person is applying for "Sukh Samriddhi Credit Cooperative Society Membership" than society gets details of the person for verification, eligibility for membership, below is required document for KYM:
Photo Identity Proof
- Passport
- PAN card
- Voters Identity Card
- Adhaar Card
- Driving License
Address Proof
- Passport
- Driving License
- Electricity Bill (Bearing Name of applicant)
- Telephone Bill
- Property Tax Book / Receipt
After completion of verification of your KYM documents, you shall have to fill and submit the "Membership-Form" with Rs.110/- (Rs.10 for getting enrolled as a Member and Rs.100 to allot share) at our Branch.
* The rights to accept/reject Membership applications are reserved with the society.