• Mansarover, Jaipur

About Us

About - Sukh Samriddhi

Taking into consideration to Low Income Group, the Credit Co-operative sector was developed to help the people getting financial services. Sukh Samriddhi Credit Co-operative Society Ltd. started with the aim to help the segment who is left out of reach of financial services due to complex nature, higher prices and lack of reach. Our vision is economic development of Low and Middle-class people.

Societies are registered under District Registrar Office of State with Registrar of Co-operative society, the Sukh Samridhhi Credit Cooperative Society is registered under Government of Rajasthan.

The Government of Rajasthan has formed rules to ensure the security of the deposits with Credit Cooperative Societies and it is mandatory by law for all registered societies to operate within those regulatory acts. Sukh Samridhhi Credit Cooperative Society follows all existing parameters of fund sufficiency those formed by Government of Rajasthan.